SS14 | Space Station 14. Remake of Space Station 13 (SS13). |
BYOND | The game engine for SS13. |
RobustToolbox, Engine | SS14’s game engine. (Think BYOND). |
Content, Content Pack | The “game” running on RobustToolbox. (Think SS13). |
CVar | Convar/Console Variable. Configurable value that you can change in the config files or through the console. |
.yml, YAML | YAML Ain’t Markup Language. Used to define prototypes. |
.toml, TOML | Tom’s Obvious Minimal Language. Like YAML but for config. |
ECS | Entity Component System |
IoC | Inversion of Control |
.dmi, DMI | BYOND/SS13’s sprite file format. Converted to an RSI for our usage. |
.rsi, RSI | Robust Station Images. SS14’s image “file” format (actually a folder). |
PVS | Potentially Visible Set. Stops the server from sending out-of-range entities to clients. |
PJB, PJB3005 | Pieter-Jan Briers. Supreme ^Nerd^ overlord of SS14. |
VSC, VSCode | Visual Studio Code. Not the same as VS. |
VS | Visual Studio Community 2017/19. Not the same as VSC. The IDE for people who can’t get a Rider license. |
Rider | A crossplatform IDE for C#. (Can be obtained for free for non-commercial use). |
Watchdog | SS14 Server Watchdog. Used for dedicated server logging, updating and general management. |
Lidgren | Networking library. |
Box2D | The basis for SS14’s (heavily modified) physics system. |
Avalonia | UI framework used for the launcher. |
Postgres, SQLite | Databases. |
EntityUid | Entity Unique Identifier |