Maintainer Meeting (11 June 2022)
Time: 11 June 2022 18:00 UTC
- Electro
- Vera
- Remie
- Visne
- Moony
I’m stuck in Quebec for 5 more hours | DrSmugleaf
- I’m about to baguettify
- The destination is even worse (Spain)
- Smug gets a Canadian gf character arc (multiple maintainer meetings long, episode 2: Attack of the Quebecoise)
- Jez isn’t even awake to help me cope with the French please send help
- Quebec bad
- “Discord leave lasting damage” - smugleaf
Click to wide attack was a mistake | Remie
- Mirrorcult on break, move it to next meeting
Lobby songs take up half the game download what the fuck | All of us, enranged
- seriously??
- “enranged” means all of the maintainers are so distant from SS14
- 16 lobby songs… 40mb total. The resources folder is 133mb total.
- This is probably fucking terrible for git clone, etc
- Turn the PR icon red
- Should we do on-packaging compression?
- Probably yes but how
How do release packaging of assets | PJB monologues in the maintainer meeting
- Most engines work with raw high quality assets in repo, game finalized has compressed and lower qualtiy assets on publish.
- Probably a terrible fit for our development: Git
- Audio compression etc is gonna require dedicated heavy tools like ffmpeg and be slow
- Doing audio compression live means results potentially inconsistent across publishes =
- Too slow performance for ACZ, will require asset cache
- Goes against current engine model where resources have 0 importing/caching/etc…
- Still a good choice we should do this:
- Audio too large
- RSI packing
- more
- Generate a good idea
- Audio files too heavy, put sources in separate repo. Main repo contains pre-downsampled assets.
- RSI packing etc is a good idea and should be fine.
- Move packaging logic to C#, expose it to ACZ.
- FINALLY. Also please put it in engine thanks.
- Move packaging logic to C#, expose it to ACZ.
- Probably still gonna need an asset processing cache either way, :salute:
- SQLite it up
- Please refrain from fucking this up this could go really bad.
- No commitment only experiment for now
Asset Manifests | PJB monologues in the maintainer meeting
- Manifest files (not for delta updates) client can load to pre-load all lengths of audio files etc
- Potentially very useful and avoids expensive loading
- May not be necessary
- Annoying on development builds
- Ick for ACZ again, see above.
- Reasons like async loading probably not good enough?
- Vera just got me activated so sloth could show up, how nice of her.
Discord emote for all in-game plushies | Wrexbe
- uhhhh
- Only the good ones
- We already snivy what more do you need
- Slime plushie
- Slushie
- PJB throws BASED ACCUSSATIONS of me being a slime girl… lawsuit ensues
- SS14 in shambles
- Slime plushie
Optional tile movement in SS14 | Vera
- Make mob movement modular
- How much effort
- We have to sucker in SS13 codebases
- How to implement?
- Ship it, kind of half-ass it for SS14.
- Keep doing distance measurements for interactions, avoid
- Simpler physics for it? Only hard vs non-hard, no “proper” shapes.
- Have support for things such as windoors, etc.
- This logic is not trivial at all, will require in-depth understanding of how SS13 works.
- Have support for things such as windoors, etc.
- Simpler physics for it? Only hard vs non-hard, no “proper” shapes.
- Forks can improve it further if they want.
- Perhaps upstream/merge good changes?
- as long as it doesn’t diverge the code too much??
- OpenDream needs more sophisticated implementation.
- Needs separate visual/simulation transform
- Wanted to pass this by sloth but rip
- I talked about this with Acruid once
- Gonna be kinks to work out
- Probably have shared transform system func that gets render position, returns sim pos during sim.
- Needs separate visual/simulation transform
- Sorry, Sloth. (Listen I tried to delay this topic until you showed up ;_;)
No more new maps until better tools | Sloth
- message there’s a lot of details
- didn’t we discuss this last meeting wtf
- drama
- Even if we had better tools, more maps isn’t a good idea
- Still allow new maps but remove old ones.
- Don’t increase the total map count
- Still allow new maps but remove old ones.
- Make maps unique
- Don’t gimmick with a layout, gimmick with a story/theme
- Maps should have unique assets where possible (Sprites, Objects, Jobs)
- Yes this takes effort, git gud
- Who knew that making a good game requires effort
- Yes this takes effort, git gud
- Port the fucking map that’s like 6 spaceships amalgamated together.
- I don’t know what it’s called (Ask in coderbus)
Update server every commit again | Mirror
- message
- Damn 9 this tbh
- We have deltas + redial
- Moony mentioned still reduction in pop even through redial.
- PJB has anxiety, this will kill her
- Just don’t shy away from manual publish when 👀
- Keep as is
can I get maintainer review of my design docs because you guys don’t look at ideaguys | Mirror
- Well uhhhh
- She is not here…
- Sorry mirror
- Easiest maintainer meeting topic of my life
RobustGenericAttribution Standard: yay or nay? | Vera
- don’t bikeshed the name
- RobustGenericAttribution (Name Subject to chance)
- it’s the choice of steins;gate
- based ref
- it’s the choice of steins;gate
- RobustGenericAttribution (Name Subject to chance)
- Good idea
- Reviews left to be handled
- Not sure about the name!
- Hehehehehe
Matrix3 -> System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 | Electro
- Probably wanna switch to System.Numerics in general
- Even if it’s not great for hot loop SIMD, it’s still a bit of savings.
- Differences in API needs to be evaluated, massive breaking change.
- Can we/should we use extension methods to help with this?
- Misses stuff like my tuple cast so sad
Early Access Roadmap
- emergency shuttle
- auto shuttle movement
- gamemodes/antags
- dynamic | mirror
!!nuke ops | Paul- lings?
- needs DNA
- blob | Remie
- cult?
- make it as good as vg for pjb
- revs | Vera
- we want a generic antag overlay system
- loyalty implant
- faction system
- dynamic | mirror
- EL BODY SYSTEM | mirror
- some refactors were done by mirror, still some left
- surgery died in the war of 1992
- Mirror died in the war of 1993
- limb damage…..
- Salvage proc gen | moony
- Cargo Commander
- Coded on outer-rim, just needs porting to upstream
- moony’s entirely rewriting it anyways so don’t do that
- body system but again
- body system
- Grid merging
- Diagonal tiles | sloth
- we have diagonal walls, tiles are harder
- could benefit from full state reload
- movement refactor
- Client side movement?
- a smidgen
- as a treat
- acruid pls com bak
- a smidgen
- Client side movement?
- Tutorial
- In game guides
- Yes
- Waiting on pretty labels
- books/ebooks in pda
- ebooks preloaded on pda for selected job
- when rich text gets merged
- In game guides
- oldchat + ui refactor | Jezithyr, DrSmugleaf
- we did it
- lost in the canadian wilds
- combat rework (needs to be bikeshedded)
- ghostrole bans | ShadowCommander
- unify ghost roles prototype
- Admin traitor/role menu
- Assign people roles
- Objectives UI
- Job playtime requirements | Veritius
- Playtime tracking
- Per role playtime tracking
- experimental science
- artifacts??!?!?
- “Science is still a piece of shit” - Vera 28/05/2022
- action ui refactor, like ss13 maybe | Jezithyr
- stuck in canada
- any% maintainer | Jezithyr
- Stuck in canada
- soon tm
- Stuck in canada
- Prototype composition | Paul
- paul still not done with his thesis
- Server polls
- Round Statistics
- Log votes, which maps are played the most…
- State mandated Xonotic matches
- Please I have severe withdrawal symptoms
- Replaced by private SS14 playtests
- Man down
- The game runs like shit how do people play this
- still does | PJB 28/05/2022
- “how do people play this game” (high pitched scream) | PJB 28/05/2022
- Slightly better | PJB 11/06/2022
- still does | PJB 28/05/2022
Crashes / Critical bugs: (when are we moving these to GitHub) => till next time