Maintainer Meeting (22 Jan 2022)
Do we promote bigger over smaller maps | metalgearsloth
- We have a bunch of tiny maps but no large ones
- Small maps get played regularly
- Should we save mapvote stats?
- Yes, also track votes against to not skew results.
- Don’t promote bigger maps, just merge them on a case-by-case quality basis.
Moving BUI to content | metalgearsloth
- Is this something that would be reused by other games
- No
- Move it
Proxy methods for is entity terminating / deleted / queued for deletion | metalgearsloth
- Yes
- Proxy methods in EntityManager and EntitySystem.
- Maybe have an interface to standardise these?
Standardising EntityManager generic and non-generic methods | metalgearsloth
- Some use the array indexing and some don’t so assume there’s more of a speed difference now
- Standardise them (on generics)
Discord role for musicians | metalgearsloth
- We have a pingable role for spriter already
- Add the role
Not raising transform events during initialization | metalgearsloth
- Raising them leads to lifestage checks everywhere
- Ties into DetachParentToNull which would be nice to remove.
- Sloth looks at it
- Make events for transform initialize/shutdown?
- Current one can only be subscribed to once.
Ergonomics of async code vs do_after events | metalgearsloth, mirrorcult
- Solution: single event do-afters
- Replace the two do after events with one DoAfterEndedEvent with the status on it, and a wrapper for custom data
- Also could put cancel tokens into the do_after system
- Events are more painful than async code to write
- So painful I would rather code in Unity
- It’s a necessary evil for full map serialization
- If we don’t use it, do we keep async in for forks?
- No
- Async do_after made interaction worse internally | metalgearsloth
- If you want to make your tool do after you have to make it all async
- We could serialize member methods with much difficulty, pass in the method to run into the do_after like verbs | Paul
- Needs to be a member method, not a lambda or anonymous
- Async might be serializable, when PJB codes it
- Use single event do after meanwhile
Removing component start/shutdown events | PJB
- Instead have the few components that actually respect startup/shutdown implement it themselves.
- Remove and replace it
- We don’t know how much legacy code require the OnAdd/Initialize/Startup functions.
- This won’t be trivial.
- Probably nothing uses the Running property, which we can remove.
- The point is to Remove Running
Protocol-require UDP and TCP port to be the same | PJB
- Extension from the port assignment topic
- What did PJB mean by this
- It is very complex otherwise
- Querying the server list would be easier
- Require both ports be the same
Do we accept translation contributions | Paul
- Can the admins deal with non-english speaking people?
- Servers would still be English only, server hosts could change the locale with us as the upstream being the pool of translations for everyone.
- Paul how do we handle different servers having different content to be translated
- We will only accept common content between the two repositories
- Linter when
- Servers would still be English only, server hosts could change the locale with us as the upstream being the pool of translations for everyone.
- Not purely game-translation, also launcher, website, etc.
- Launcher: Yes
- Website: Yes
- Game: If you can run a client with a different locale to the server yes
- This requires the giant FText refactor
- There are tools for this (Discord link)
- Weblate
Wallmounts on the floor in front of the wall vs on/in the wall | ShadowCommander
- Interactability is easier if they’re in front | PJB
- They will go on the wall because otherwise you can’t place wallmounts facing to space
- Wall lights are complicated
- Simply offset the point light
- PJB implements occlusion and we win
Text input popup design | ShadowCommander
- Should it be a BaseWindow/Eui or pop out of the control like the confirmation pop out for verbs like delete?
- Example: the set-transfer-amount verb should use it. Currently it creates a little popup
- Multiline text: window
- Verbs (Rename, Transfers): input box, with sizes
- Commands: box if possible, window if too big
Why are integration tests slow | mirrorcult
- Because someone broke the ShouldPool method by changing the amount of default cvars on tests or smth
- Be my guest if you want to find a better way to do it
- Also tests are now broken if you enable pooling again
- I’m not fixing it | DrSmugleaf
- Next 👏 topic 👏
- also 40% of tests is just reloading prototypes (last I profiledTM)
Archive Python and rsi-editor | mirrorcult
- Decision: keep because python scripts are convenient, archive rsi-editor Old repositories in Python:
- RSI-editor
New repositories in C#:
Mapping and adding escape pods | mirrorcult
- We now have multi-grid saving/loading and docking serialization
- Decision: code it, map it
- Mapping docking is really annoying right now
- Add a console command/mapping utility to make this easier, while the map is paused
Upstreaming ship vs ship combat as a gamemode | moony, mirrorcult
- When mirrorcult upstreams it
- Sounds good to everyone
Early Access Roadmap
- emergency shuttle
- auto shuttle movement
- gamemodes/antags
- dynamic
- mirror pls write the doc for it I will code it I swear on my life
- nuke ops
- the nuke is done, nuke ops isn’t yet
- does not work outside dynamic
- lings?
- blob?
- vera loves blob
- Remie already coding it, but got lazy
- cult?
- make it as good as vg for pjb
- revs
- dynamic
- some refactors were done by mirror, still some left
- surgery died in the war of 1992
- Salvage
- it is done
- upstream moony asteroid/wreck generator for procgen salvage!!!!!!!!!
- Singularity
- radiation needs to work
- body system but again
- body system (get smug to code it)
- Species
- we need to do non human body parts
- Species
- could benefit from full state reload
- Client side movement?
- a smidgen
- Tutorial
- In game guides
- Yes
- Waiting on pretty labels
- books/ebooks in pda
- ebooks preloaded on pda for selected job
- when rich text gets merged
- :death:
- In game guides
- copy the Subnautica bug reporter for players to report bugs
- automatically log grafana exceptions
- being able to see inside containers
- Need to change PVS to not send all container contents
- Isn’t this a separate issue anyway
- Seems like PVS queue bugs?
- Imagine if players could give steps to replicate, insanium
- hud disappearing