Maintainer Policy
This is the policy that all maintainers are expected to follow when it comes to behavior and responsibilities.
This policy applies in addition to the General Staff and Conflict Resolution Polices.
Breaking any of these rules will result in disiplinary action being taken
Reviews and Feedback
- All maintainers must follow the PR Review and Hotfix Procedures when they apply.
- Maintainers should try to the best of their ability, to keep PR authors informed on the status of their PRs.
- Maintainers should keep public criticism of code constructive and avoid making comments in regards to the authors of the code. Harsh but fair citicism of code is acceptable, but criticism of its author is not.
- Maintainers should try to perform code reviews whenever possible, getting content into the game is everyone’s responsibility.
- If there is a conflict around game design between something in the docs and someone’s idea, what is detailed in the documentation takes precedent. If a change to specific documentation is needed, it should be brought up with the respective work group for discussion and changes should be made to the documentation if needed.
In-game Permissions
- Maintainers can request to be given in game permissions by the admin team.
- Maintainers may only use the permissions they are given for the purposes of debugging issues, and playtesting new features.
- Maintainers must not under any circumstances access any data related to a player’s account. The only exception to this is logs from a round for the purposes stated above.
- Maintainers may only host playtests with a Propermin from the admin team who must handle ahelps and log the playtest as an event.
- Maintainers must deadmin while playing.
- Any violation of the above rules will lead to in-game permissions being indefinitely revoked.