Maintainer Meeting (28 May 2022)
Time: 28 May 2022 18:00 UTC
- Visne
- Remie
- Wrexbe
- Electro
- ShadowCommander
- Sloth
- Vera
- Moony
- Silver
- DrSmugleaf, in spirit, briefly
Smug left the meeting for Canada | DrSmugleaf
- a mimir
- Jezlag is no joke
- Jez sends her regards
- 🙏
Rethink flat folder structure | Sloth
- a:
- Engine still doesn’t match
- There’s no nice place to put sundry components
- I have to scroll for like 5 seconds to go from client to shared if I don’t know the right term to ctrl-F
- Fuck the netherlands we’re moving to belgium
Result: Jeopardy Music
- Previous system didn’t work
- just… nest things more? Put all the engines together
- Potential ones brought up:
- By department (Science, Engineering, etc.)
- Doesn’t seem to work that well.
- By game mechanic (Power, Physics, etc.)
- By department (Science, Engineering, etc.)
- Potential ones brought up:
Remove maintainer ping | Sloth
- Discord permissions moment
- Do we even need to put this in here
- yes
- Removed mention from maintainer,
- Gave maintainer @ everyone so they can keep pinging eachother
making events directed by default instead of broadcast | Sloth
- For
- (essentially, making broadcast default to false on directed
- a lot of things would break
- Make everything explicitly true at call sites
- Make it default to false
remove component reference | PJB
- How do we make it happen
- What about Shared components inherited by client/server ones?
- We need to get rid of component inheritance/interfaces anyways.
- Only remaining use left is shared components
- Figure out an alternative for shared components:
- Maybe (not decided yet) make them more specific so they can be optimized better.
- Some problems:
- Shared component presence 1:1 tied to client/server component
- EnsureComponent spaghet
vs EntityUid.Invalid
| Vera
- Nullable EntityUid has convenient compile-time checks, and forces you to handle null cases.
- There’s a clear distinction between EntityUid? and EntityUid, you can expect the latter to be valid in most cases.
- Nullable EntityUid, however, forces you to write a lot more boilerplate.
- Using EntityUid.Invalid is more convenient and allows you to write less boilerplate in most cases, but you lose compile-time checks and an explicit way to mark something as “possibly being invalid/not having a value”.
- We need to decide this ASAP and stick with one.
- Problem with nullables: memory overhead (2x mem usage due to alignment)
- One option:
- Only difference is no orange squiggle when doing
instead of!.Value
. - No pattern matching:
if (foo is { } ent)
- goodtbh
- Agreed
- goodtbh
- Only difference is no orange squiggle when doing
- Use EntityUid? whereever possible. If memory usage is a concern, store as
and convert on usage but try to avoid using it. - Content-facing APIs should use
, convert if needed. - Need to convert existing usages
Change XAML file naming scheme | PJB
- it’s fine as is, the UI aspect is “made more important” by this
Rename maintainer meetings to Round Table Meetings | PJB
El Psy Kongroo
Rename to Round Buckle Table Meetings
- High Round Buckle Table Meeting
smugleaf jumpscare
- holyshit smug is typing from air plane
- spanish airplanes have wifi confirmed
- better wifi than Spain
- how long before you land?
- the trick is i havent even left yet
- amongus or silver moment
- better wifi than Spain
- spanish airplanes have wifi confirmed
- yoooo smug bsaed based based
- !!!
- holyshit smug is typing from air plane
Rename maintainers to Labo Members
- tuturu~
rename maintainers to mini wizards
- uhhhhh all shitposting aside
- alles gekheid op een stokje…
- Nonissue, can be named whatever
Simplify ResourcePath | PJB
- what do we remove from it
- paths 🤡
- PJB was an idiot at the time
- she apologises
- not good enough, a blood sacrifice must be made
- she apologises
- Current status:
- Bunch of filesystem semantics like
(rooted path),.
(current dir),..
(go up a dir) - Customizable separators (WHO NEEDS THIS)
- Path stored as segmented array of strings
- Bunch of filesystem semantics like
- It’s a class because fuck me
- :face_with_one_eyebrow_raised:
- PJB has started this already
- Wrapper struct around string
- Keep division operator combining paths P / P
- Remove
support - Remove
support null
path is same as""
Components: Properties or Fields | Wrexbe
- We settled this pre-meeting (see message link above)
- Use fields unless you need to debug it, but then turn it back into a field after
Require public functions/fields be documented | Moony
- Silver votes that this should be enforced now that we have docfx for content/engine.
- Write a convention page about writing good docs. Link it at people.
- Try to care more
- Maintainers can block PRs in review if deem more docs needed in med/big systems
- Don’t put an analyzer that enforces it too much (i.e. having to repeat yourself just to satisfy the analyzer)
- Don’t assume the reader knows game mechanics/has ever played SS13
Robust IDE Extension | Moony
- Examples:
- More complex templates for client/server component boilerplates
- YAML language server
- ez pz
- analyzer for sandbox violations
The Renderer Sucks | Moony
- How do we make it not
- Specifically: byond beats us in some of the things it can do
- Revive RobustEngine
- Make wishlist
- Let PJB do it
- Court mandated graphics programming lessons for all maintainers yes yes
what should be done about BaseWindow? | Flipp
- it seems to be that things that use BaseWindow in SS14 construct the layout in C# rather than XAML
- Mistakes were made
what do about fwiend 😌 PR funny enum | Vera
- where do I put the enum both the analyzer and robust.shared/content need it AAAAAAAAAA
- (do I just make this a completely separate project and put it on nuget or something it’d be useful for other projects, dunno anyway just some bikeshedding)
- Give the enum its own file:
- Link it in both projects SIMPLE
Early Access Roadmap
- emergency shuttle
- auto shuttle movement
- gamemodes/antags
- dynamic | mirror
!!nuke ops | Paul- lings?
- needs DNA
- blob | Remie
- cult?
- make it as good as vg for pjb
- revs | Vera
- we want a generic antag overlay system
- loyalty implant
- faction system
- dynamic | mirror
- EL BODY SYSTEM | mirror
- some refactors were done by mirror, still some left
- surgery died in the war of 1992
- limb damage…..
- Salvage proc gen | moony
- Cargo Commander
- Coded on outer-rim, just needs porting to upstream
- moony’s entirely rewriting it anyways so don’t do that
- body system but again
- body system
- Grid merging
- Diagonal tiles | sloth
- we have diagonal walls, tiles are harder
- could benefit from full state reload
- movement refactor
- Client side movement?
- a smidgen
- as a treat
- acruid pls com bak
- a smidgen
- Client side movement?
- Tutorial
- In game guides
- Yes
- Waiting on pretty labels
- books/ebooks in pda
- ebooks preloaded on pda for selected job
- when rich text gets merged
- In game guides
- oldchat + ui refactor | Jezithyr, DrSmugleaf
- we did it
- lost in the canadian wilds
- combat rework (needs to be bikeshedded)
- ghostrole bans | ShadowCommander
- unify ghost roles prototype
- Admin traitor/role menu
- Assign people roles
- Objectives UI
- Job playtime requirements
- Playtime tracking
- Per role playtime tracking
- experimental science
- artifacts??!?!?
- “Science is still a piece of shit” - Vera 28/05/2022
- action ui refactor, like ss13 maybe | Jezithyr
- stuck in canada
- any% maintainer | Jezithyr
- Stuck in canada
- soon tm
- Stuck in canada
- Prototype composition | Paul
- paul still not done with his thesis
- Server polls
- Round Statistics
- Log votes, which maps are played the most…
- State mandated Xonotic matches
- Please I have severe withdrawal symptoms
- Replaced by private SS14 playtests
- Man down
- The game runs like shit how do people play this
- still does | PJB 28/05/2022
- “how do people play this game” (high pitched scream) | PJB 28/05/2022
- still does | PJB 28/05/2022
Crashes / Critical bugs: (when are we moving these to GitHub) => till next time