Maintainer Meeting (15 February 2025)
Time: 15 February 2025
- Myra (Vasilis)
- Errant
- Simyon
- Julian
- Pancake
- ElectroSR
- Aeshus
- Milon
- Boaz
- Slartibartfast
This meeting was recorded:
New maintainer welcome
Hi Milon
Looking into crawling and antag balance (ScarKyo)
We dont have enough info to talk about this, moving it to the next meeting.
AI, we still have like 3 open design docs (Errant)
- Did anyone read them?
- No one read them next maitnainer meeting please for the love of god read them.
- Also we have 4 now.
PR Template (Errant)
Errant is not done putting everything in one nice doc so we can all agree on something so NEXT MEETING WOW THESE ARE GOING FAST
Should SpriteComponent be moved back to shared (Electro)
- There are useful stuff you could do by having the server be able to send clients the sprites to render
- Why was it taken out of shared?
- Cause of networking and dirtying
- Sending unnecessary data
- (Check with PJB)
- There should be more discussion later on with people who know a bit more about sprite code.
Vulture, and it’s test server status (Aeshus)
Is good :3
April fools branch (Emisse)
Sure I suppose. After this stable releases.
Game area Design doc Slam made it public so uh yeah i suppose you can write about it now.
Stable review
- 34591 Void’s Applause
- 34785 Removed MoMMI from AI name list
- 34764 Tweak pill eat delays
- 34774 Update shutter sounds
- 34794 Rename shields
- 34841 Security Shield Naming Structure Inconsistency Change
- 32821 Replacing protein with razorium in flesh kudzu
- 34458 Separates frost oil into coldsauce and frost oil
- 33619 Randomized maints rooms
- 33239 Add Reagent gold and silver solification with frost oil
- 34819 Reworded the “SAY HEY LISTEN” silicon law
- 34531 Wizard Touch Spells (Smite, Cluwne’s Curse, Slippery Slope)
- 34824 [Admin] Omni Accent Smite
- 32414 DSword Replacement - the Hypereutactic Blade
- 34687 Add binoculars
- 33607 Add clientside personal pointlight for observers
- 34843 Expand variety of strange pills
- 34277 Changed utensil sprites to appear smaller.
- 34619 Remove instant cryobed insertion
- 34675 Reduce NukeOps Reinforcement price from 35TC to 30TC
- See how it goes and perhaps reduce the price by 5 more tc
- 33572 Elf Ears
- 5 different types of elf ears that only differ by a few pixels is bloat, I would reduce it to maybe two variants (Slartibartfast)
- It is fine for now but we should consider it in the future.
- 5 different types of elf ears that only differ by a few pixels is bloat, I would reduce it to maybe two variants (Slartibartfast)
- 34890 Sec Balance Part 1: Buffs Disabler and Disabler SMG
- 34561 Added Genderqueer pin! (Properly this time.)
- We should turn all the pins into a single chameleon pin so that the loadout and vending machine are less bloated (Slartibartfast)
- I don’t think they should be chaneleon. The bloat issue is mainly an issue in the loadout menu, and there the answer is to allow better item categorization. Collapsible groups in the loadout menu perhaps? (Slam)
- This is being worked on now already by Milon
- I don’t think they should be chaneleon. The bloat issue is mainly an issue in the loadout menu, and there the answer is to allow better item categorization. Collapsible groups in the loadout menu perhaps? (Slam)
- We should turn all the pins into a single chameleon pin so that the loadout and vending machine are less bloated (Slartibartfast)
- 34904 Swapped butter w/ olive oil for making spaghetti
- If the italian players come after us revert it
- Simyon Italin friend says: I think they approve this.
- Real answer allow both
- April fools idea: To make spaggeti you have to cut it in half.
- If the italian players come after us revert it
- 34927 Buff the Combat Bakery Kit uplink item
- 33095 move lathe recipes into packs (easier for forks and maintaining)
- Was a technical refactor but sneaked in some major balance changes by adding stun batons, disablers and disabler SMGs to the emagged lathes. These were previously excluded on purpose, since they are way too overpowered if you get them with an emag, especially now that it only costs 4TC. The batons have already been removed in 35014 again, but we should do the same with the disablers before release since we just buffed them to make sec stronger against antags. A disabler alone would be worth the 4TC for the emag. (Slartibartfast)
- Baton was removed but not disablers
- Remove the disablers
- 35014 Remove batong etc from emagged autolathe
- 34857 Paper door
- 34930 Drozd Colors for Kammerer
- 34932 Wizard shuttle preperation
- 34411 Wizard Item Recall Spell
- The item itself should hopefully have a popup itself so that it does not appear like a bug/suddenly got deleted.
- 34977 add straight ally pin
- We should turn all the pins into a single chameleon pin so that the loadout and vending machine are less bloated (Slartibartfast)
- I don’t think they should be chaneleon. The bloat issue is mainly an issue in the loadout menu, and there the answer is to allow better item categorization. Collapsible groups in the loadout menu perhaps? (Slam)
- We should turn all the pins into a single chameleon pin so that the loadout and vending machine are less bloated (Slartibartfast)
- 34450 allow paper labels on seeds
- 34974 Lecter + Magazine Resprite
- 34950 long bacon scarf
- 34996 Removes Cog station
- 34988 Relic station
- 31060 Allows pacifists to throw Items with DamageOnLand
- 34886 Wooden Grip for Antique Laser Pistol
- 35046 Display radio frequencies with a decimal place
- Frequencies dont currently have a use so its mostly flavor rn, fixing it will require chat refactor.
- 34421 Grenade resprites part 1, stinger sound change, projectile grenade animation fix
- 35025 Sentry turrets - Part 1: Art assets
- Emisse said it could use adjustments but can be merged for now
- 35059 Put screwdrivers in the vendomat
- 33306 buff python
- 34541 Increase the price of bulletproof armor.
- 32250 Move contraband text to a separate examine tab
- Errant prefers that instead of a button this was an icon that changed with the legality of the item. This pr moves us closer to this.
- 31303 Add loadout names
- Please for the love of god fill out the PR templete
- What does this do?
- Ok it adds a custom name for the AI on the character customization screen.
- 35063 give CE atmos gas mask
- 34209 Make Advanced Spray more tolerable to use
- 34991 Add new freezer atmos devices and fix freezer fixgridatmos marker
- 33110 RoomSpawner mask
- 34649 Wizard Staff of Animation
- Critical station infra should not be able to be animated
- Has a blacklist already
- Critical station infra should not be able to be animated
- 33554 Slime plushie now squishes
- The slime squish sound was mentioned as problematic for players with misophonia before and can easily be spammed with a plushie. But I guess you can already do so with emotes
- Misophonia options/related should be an accesibility option already. Valid consern.
- Someone could make an alternate version. Bring it up in #accesibility
- The slime squish sound was mentioned as problematic for players with misophonia before and can easily be spammed with a plushie. But I guess you can already do so with emotes
- 33807 Grilled Cheese Sandwich Entity and Recipe
- 34792 Make experimental welding tool less harmful to eyes
- 34657 Paramedic Void Suit update
Stuff that is broken
- Nukie loadouts are completely broken and possibly yaml inheritance in general, caused by RT5612
- Fixed
- The chameleon clothing menu
- Fix pr
- Eletro said they would review this tommorow
- So yes delay it
- Fix pr
- Possibly other UIs? Some have been fixed already
- Addressed