Maintainer Meeting (14 May 2022)
Time: 14 May 2022 18:00 UTC
Launcher server announcements | moony
- The launcher listens to an RSS feed if you opt-in per server (or server group).
- Works for any server that has such a feed setup.
- It can be transient (truncated)
- For both automated and manual announcements.
- Can be categorized.
- Can announce a new round starting, or mandatory server restarts.
- Separate restart notifications from other notifications?
- Needs high poll rate
- Don’t have a websocket per server
- Run a news aggregator as part of the hub?
- What happens to servers off the hub?
- Just keep it simple no websocket stuff for now just RSS all the way baby.
- Push notifications for restarts
- Hook up changelog to RSS updates
Automerging PRs when approved and CI passes | metalgearsloth
- Refined GitHub supports this but it doesn’t work properly.
- Allegedly exists in GitHub by default but the button doesn’t exist.
- You can only enable it if you enable only being able to merge PRs when CI passes
- Simply disable push to master –moony
- You can only enable it if you enable only being able to merge PRs when CI passes
- What if the servers DIDN’T autoupdate to broken builds??
- check em before we wreck em
- Use a bot (when you code it)
- We can use the
workflow event to do this.
- We can use the
getFlatIcon() AKA handling capture of appearance data (photography, scoreboard, Remie bait) | PJB
- No BYOND-like server CPU rendering
- Send the visual information to the client (appearance components)
- Move complex stuff like item rendering on mobs to be 100% visualizer data
- Just take a screenshot on the client? (photography) (Remie vindicated)
- Easy to do
- How do we render multi-entity entities?
- e.g. eris walls
- follow child entities and collect em all?
- Replace appearance visualizers with entity systems
- Already agreed on this in another meeting
- Use component states to send the data?
ABI vs API backwards compatibility on engine | PJB
- ABI: code keeps working dynamic linking against newer versions of the engine
- API: code keeps working if you recompile against newer versions of the engine
- ABI stability
- There might be GitHub analyzers to check this
- May or may not be worth setting up
- Aim for ABI, when you have to break it, increase major version
// What you have:
void Foo(int x) => ...
// What you want:
void Foo(int x, int y = 0) => ...
// What you need to do to preserve ABI compat:
void Foo(int x) => Foo(x, 0); //method NOT removed
void Foo(int x, int y) => ...
Private playtest/actual QA sessions | mirrorcult
- Making the maintainers, senior contributors and game admins play their game
- (Suspicion on Space Station)
- Whitelisted server on EUW2 or USW?
- Maybe USW for the Australians.
- Put another server instance on USW ez clap
- Schedule
- After the maintainer meeting (afterparty)
- The whitelist needs to be per server
Auto-ignore unknown components on the client and remove client IgnoredComponents | mirrorcult
- server side component spelled correctly–ignored by client, no error on server
- server side component spelled incorrectly–ignored by client, server errors
- client side component spelled correctly–no error on client, server needs it in the ignore list
- client side component spelled incorrectly–ignored by client, server errors since it’s no longer in the ignore list
- shared component spelled correctly–no error on client, no error on server
- shared component spelled incorrectly–ignored by client, server errors
- Fund it
Early Access Roadmap
- emergency shuttle
- auto shuttle movement
- gamemodes/antags
- dynamic | mirror
- nuke ops | Paul
- the nuke is done
- does not work outside dynamic
- lings?
- needs DNA
- blob | Remie
- cult?
- make it as good as vg for pjb
- revs
- we want a generic antag overlay system
- loyalty implant
- faction system
- nuke ops | Paul
- dynamic | mirror
- EL BODY SYSTEM | mirror
- some refactors were done by mirror, still some left
- surgery died in the war of 1992
- Salvage proc gen | moony
- Cargo Commander
- Coded on outer-rim, just needs porting to upstream
- moony’s entirely rewriting it anyways so don’t do that
- body system but again
- body system
- Grid merging
- Diagonal tiles | sloth
- we have diagonal walls, tiles are harder
- could benefit from full state reload
- movement refactor
- Client side movement?
- a smidgen
- as a treat
- acruid pls com bak
- a smidgen
- Client side movement?
- Tutorial
- In game guides
- Yes
- Waiting on pretty labels
- books/ebooks in pda
- ebooks preloaded on pda for selected job
- when rich text gets merged
- In game guides
- oldchat + ui refactor | Jezithyr, DrSmugleaf
- we did it
- combat rework (needs to be bikeshedded)
- ghostrole bans | ShadowCommander
- unify ghost roles prototype
- Admin traitor/role menu
- Assign people roles
- Objectives UI
- Job playtime requirements
- Playtime tracking
- Per role playtime tracking
- experimental science
- artifacts??!?!?
- action ui refactor, like ss13 maybe | Jezithyr
- any% maintainer | Jezithyr
- Prototype composition | Paul
- Server polls
- Round Statistics
- Log votes, which maps are played the most…
- State mandated Xonotic matches
- Please I have severe withdrawal symptoms
- Replaced by private SS14 playtests
- Man down
- The game runs like shit how do people play this
Crashes / Critical bugs: (when are we moving these to GitHub) => till next time