Space Wizard Maintainer List
This document shows all current Maintainers on the project. Along with their GitHub and Discord contacts.
I will do my best to keep this up to date as Maintainers come and leave.
The format is as follows
Github - @Discord (Discord ID)
Lead Maintainers:
- juliangiebel - @julian_g (234313113766199297)
- VasilisThePikachu - @vasilisiscool (322708417540259841)
- Simyon264 - @simyon (327840918482714626)
Both Engine and Content Maintainers:
- Mervill - @mervill (153632198845661184)
- ZoldorfTheWizard - @zoldorf (140921734109855744)
- PJB3005 - @pjb (97089048065097728)
- ShadowCommander - @shadowcommander (104693014407950336)
- DrSmugleaf - @drsmugleaf (109067752286715904)
- metalgearsloth - @metalgearsloth (229052932476108800)
- Visne - @visne (182723474257608705)
- keronshb - @keronshb (226429200553213952)
- AJCM-git - @ajcm_git (239467362380808192)
- ElectroJr - @electrosr (348118974497816577)
- vulppine - @vulppine (102244617314914304)
Content Maintainers:
- Partmedia - @notafet (774744999379599360)
- Emisse - @emisse (109430489684705280)
- juliangiebel - @julian_g (234313113766199297)
- Tayrtahn - @tayrtahn (147050540214386689)
- deathride58 - @bhijn (77867936647225344)
- VasilisThePikachu - @vasilisiscool (322708417540259841)
- ficcialfaint - @ficcialfaint (481532274211422209)
- chromiumboy - @chromiumboy (395222876753625088)
- TemporalOroboros - @the_quiet_one (423542163503185942)
- TheShuEd - @eshhhed (267327466060775425)
- slarticodefast - @sebseb5071 (578191477839101967)
- UbaserB - @ubaser (578881480386805771)
- Errant-4 - @err.ant (502504545579040768)
- SlamBamActionman - @slambamactionman (91969935848251392)
- SaphireLattice - @saphire (107368676348416000)
- Boaz1111 - @Boaz1111 (759321681083760651)
- Aeshus - @aeshus (865364145330454538)
- Simyon264 - @simyon (327840918482714626)
- beck-thompson - @orks_are_da_best (774424468117782578)
- ScarKy0 - @ScarKy0 (249858047583846401)
- MilonPL - @milonn (869364265453244467)
Engine maintainers: No one maintains only engine :p