Maintainer Meeting Notes - Date: 27 Nov 2021
Recruiting new game admins | Vera, Paul
- Application form
- Staff application forums
- no irc
- perhaps recruit some ss13 admins?
How do we cope with the many PRs we’ve been getting | Paul, Sloth
- Having a “How to make your pr more reviewable”-guide
- Don’t make a bunch of miscellaneous additional changes in a PR, e.g. changing the heat resistance of a pair of gloves alongside your PR adding a new gun
- Don’t make a bunch of formatting changes in a file if you change 1 line. It makes the review significantly more difficult to parse what actually changed and can generate conflicts for other PRs.
- Once a review has started on your PR do not force push to it.
- prefer multiple small PRs over one large PR
- simply have 100% test coverage it reviews itself
(Also here now!
We need a knowledgebase, so contribs can find everything important at once.
Engine code quality needs to go up.
We need to:
- write more docs, especially super simple 14
- most common things people are pr’ing
- how to use containers
- go through prs to see what people are doing
- if you are reading the code, write down what you are looking for
- playerfilters
- make subfolder in docs for drafts
- drafts can just be bullet points/a skeleton/outline
- most common things people are pr’ing
Making Transform not required for entities | Vera
- for serialization
- free VV, no extra work IT ALREADY WORKS!!!!
- whats
- simply support serializing entity systems instead
- make systems entities
- way too powerful
- make systems entities
- how to handle saving non-transitive data used by entity systems
Chat filter | Shadowcommander
implement the chatfilter, because admins are doing it rn remember to save it in base64 or something so we dont get bopped by github to sum it up: dont allow to send, notify admins, give them a popups
- use unicode’s “confusables” information to find chars that look like eachother, and use that to bad “variants” of no-no words
Roadmap | Vera
“No” - Smug “Why” - Vera “It would be extremely painful” - Smug “You’re a big guy” - Vera “For you” - Smug
New roadmap:
- Body system
- thats it
- dont forget photography
- TBF the last roadmap had ideaguys all over it
make the roadmap make the last topic of each meeting
- this way we all get input
- the roadmap is at worst 2 weeks out of date
ComponentProtoName attribute | Sloth
Stable/bleeding edge branches | Mirror
- where is mirror, wake her up!!!!!
- we are currently very volatile compared to ss13
- pause fukken updates to the servers somehow PLEASE
- thistbh
Synthetic stress test of USWest | Mirror
PaulVS + USWest Hardware + .NET 6 + Atmos/Solar optimizations
Should we continue running biweekly playtests | Mirror
considering we get 20-40 pop pretty much constantly
- keep doing playtests
- they are good to remind people we exist
- better player stat tracking? like retention, etc
Roadmap content
- emergency shuttle
- auto shuttle movement
- gamemodes/antags
- nuke ops
- lings?
- blob?
- cult?
- Salvage
- Teleporters (Beam me up (Scotty))
- telescience
- body system but again
- body system (get smug to code it)
- Tutorial
- In game guides
Post-meeting jstris! | Visne, Tomeno
- when the hwehgneh the isss suss