Maintainer Meeting (1 March 2025)
Time: 1 March 2025
- Myra
- Errant
- Julian
- Scar
- Simyon
- Orks
- Milon
- Slam
- Arshus
- Keron
- Geeky
- notafet
- Slartibartfest
- Boaz
- Chromiumboy
This meeting was recorded:
Reminder to please squash merge PRs!
We had several ones not squashed this time.
AI docs part 2
We (still) have like 4 ai design docs can we like pick one?
Apparently according to some emoji reactions Scar, Chromiumboy, Errant and Aeshus have read em’ all. Please tell us your findings.
Links to all prs and some hamsters for some reason:
TLDR by chromiumboy:
- We consulted Keron, with their experience of wizard with how they worked on getting wizard up and organised it.
- Through their insanity.
- Had a basic idea from the SS13 design
- People volunteered and they eventually got a good group of people to help.
- Geekys opinion
- Wizard is a good example of people teaming up to work on a project.
- We should encourage big features to be worked by multiple people to prevent a surgery situation.
- While we did not pick a specific design doc (it would probably take too long for
thisany maint meeting) we should encourage a group to be made to take on design and development of the AI like wizard was.
Sidenote: Silicon maintainer workgroup
- So on the subject of work groups, those are kinda in a wierd limbo
- UHH i suppose this will be a lead maintainer thing. (oh yeah did we mention we are doing lead maints)
- We do it i suppose, although work groups need to be looked at againa as well.
- UHH i suppose this will be a lead maintainer thing. (oh yeah did we mention we are doing lead maints)
Forums for maintainer use (Simyon)
- Currently we use threads and it sucks
- Simyon hates threads
- A discussion can quickly get heated or it’s just so many messages that it becomes hard to get a “grip” on if you are trying to join from an outside view
Stuff that should be discord threads:
- Maint reviews (cause maintainer bot and julian would cry otherwise, we should force him to learn Ruby)
Ok thats it… everything else is on the forums now. (New maints, triagers etc)
- Make an announcement in #maintainer-info after the meeting :3
- Remove ability to make threads in #staff-general-sorority?
- screm at anyone who makes a Discord thread without good reason
Maintainer leads
- Preliminary results is Myra, Julian, Simyon (nerds)
- Icon was suggested to be double hammers
- Julian joke suggested a purple T-Online Magenta Icon. I now hate Julian.
- Tasks:
- be very silly :3 :3
- smell good (unlike other maintainers, trueee)
- Organize the Maintainer Team’s Business(e.g. Maint meetings, stable releases)
- Triaging critical issues.
- Organize important development efforts(E.g. The way wizard was developed)
- Drive changes to Maintainer Policy.
- Make the final call where the Maintainer Team is unable to reach a decision.
AFK Kick Ingame
- Good idea
- Previously removed cause code smelly (like the maintainer team)
- Shouldn’t kick if in round / has body?
- Defo kick if in lobby
- Maybe like 15 minutes? Or 30? Or like… 45?
- 15 is fine
- what if someone is grabbing food quickly, or warming soup?
- You are warming soup for 15 mins?
- Yes. I like to slow boil my soup. It tastes better that way.
- Whatever you can join midround even if the player limit is max if you were in round anyway
- Does that work for observers?
- I dont think they are considered valid? Check pls
- Does that work for observers?
- Whatever you can join midround even if the player limit is max if you were in round anyway
- Yes. I like to slow boil my soup. It tastes better that way.
- You are warming soup for 15 mins?
- what if someone is grabbing food quickly, or warming soup?
- 15 is fine
Stable review
- 35131 Vote kicks now ban the target’s ip
- 35083 High Heel Boots do the Clicky Clacky
- 35122 Supermatter Grenade Rework
- May have to lower the physics velocity to prevent people flying out into space
- But everything reporting this is on the current stable, and none on vulture. So lets see how it goes first
- May have to lower the physics velocity to prevent people flying out into space
- 34695 Engineering guidebook improvements
- 34945 Replaced Bulldog beanbag drum with lethals drum
- 35240 Centcomm 3: Beyond Thunderdome
- 35254 Magical contraband type
- Do we want ninja controband?
- Just call it illegal controband with no special grouping
- Discuss this more on the FORUMS BABY
- Just call it illegal controband with no special grouping
- Do we want ninja controband?
- 35248 Add CentComm Comms Console + Change admin announcement color
- 35239 [ChangeCVarCommand] Mapping Command
- 35168 Add radiation shielding to metal crates
- This should work on all crates and not just steel ones (exept plastic)
- 35259 Crusher Dagger Knife Component
- 35282 add ShowJobIcons to AiHeldIntellicard
- 35296 ports two barsigns from frontier
- 35295 Space Lizard Plushie In-hands
- 33727 Fix to make all corpses butcher able and better disposable
- Double check it does not effect crew species
- 35331 Require hwid
- 34446 Mjollnir and Singularity Hammer for Wizard
- 35333 Adds Colored Light Bulbs
- 35377 Wizard: Repulse Spell
- 35383 Give dogs speech noises
- 35403 Wizard: Smoke Spell
- 35421 Lattice tiles footsteps now sound like catwalks
- 35354 Swap price of EMAG and AD.
- 35031 Sentry turrets - Part 2: Basic prototype
- 35423 Remove disablers from emagged lathe
- 34105 Add microwave recipes to the guidebook
- 35226 Fix/Addition - Wizard Survivor Antag Status
- 35284 version watermark
- 35418 Make holoparasite’s damage transfer ignore the host’s armor
- We can lower holoparasite price now!!!!!!!!!!!
- 35322 Put Neckwear above Backpacks
- 35345 [ADMIN] Admin IDs now have Agent ID properties
- 35346 Adds new speech bubble opacity sliders to the accessibility menu.
- 35508 Engineers can now choose to wear no head piece
- 35381 Lizard Plushie Slippers
- 35406 THE WIZARD
- 35043 Mime can no longer write on paper without breaking their vow
- 35530 Wizard ID
- 35537 Wizard robes allow you to wear gas tanks
- 35543 Admin Options tab
- 35544 Old Rollie Name Integration
- 35552 Wizard Stamp
- 33614 Add breakdown recipes for Insect and Ammonia blood
- 34763 Adding sorting to chem master
- 34315 Multiple categories for lathe recipes
- 34316 Add filters to uniform printer
- 35183 Fire resist now can be examined.
- 32255 add button to print logprobe logs
- 32996 Sap-Syrup balance
- 32136 Implanter draw rework
- 35512 Made forensic scanner classified as contraband.
- 35232 ConfirmableAction for DNA Scrambler implant
- 34795 Re-implement world gen (space debris) across all servers
- Keep an eye out for perf
- 33448 Make OuterClothing hide PDA and belt sprites under it.
- 33614 Add breakdown recipes for Insect and Ammonia blood
- 34763 Adding sorting to chem master
- 34315 Multiple categories for lathe recipes
- 34316 Add filters to uniform printer
- 35183 Fire resist now can be examined.
- 32255 add button to print logprobe logs
- 32996 Sap-Syrup balance
- 32136 Implanter draw rework
Required for stable
- 32209 Change Phalanximine to be more complex, increase Arithrazine damage
- NOTE: The changelog entry is gonna be 2 weeks late LMAO x3 xd
- also merge it
- but change it to stable
- also someone fix changelogs so we can do it on all branches without merge conflicts awawawawaw
- 35583 Remove cellular resistance for slimes
- It was pointed out slimes have cellular resistance, which is a byproduct of when cellular was a more common and mob-dealt damage type (Slam)
- I tested it and slimes already take the same damage on master because you set ignoreResistances to true so that PR isn’t needed (Slart)
- Yeah I checked it now as well, was just about to comment. Though I think the PR should be merged regardless; the intended purpose of cellular as a damage type meant to offset player-taken actions, removing cellular from slimes should still be desirable. Just for future-proofing’s sake; there’s no way in the game right now for slimes to take cellular damage where the resistance is applied. Might as well yeet it (Slam)
- It sounds like we dont need to merge this into stable (Myra)
- Yeah I checked it now as well, was just about to comment. Though I think the PR should be merged regardless; the intended purpose of cellular as a damage type meant to offset player-taken actions, removing cellular from slimes should still be desirable. Just for future-proofing’s sake; there’s no way in the game right now for slimes to take cellular damage where the resistance is applied. Might as well yeet it (Slam)
- I tested it and slimes already take the same damage on master because you set ignoreResistances to true so that PR isn’t needed (Slart)
- It was pointed out slimes have cellular resistance, which is a byproduct of when cellular was a more common and mob-dealt damage type (Slam)
Random stuff
:3 :3 :3
- We began talking about among us (SUS????)
- yip yap growl whine ~nik, 2025, colorized
- mrowr arf arf ~milon, probably
- seems like most ss14 staff are furries smh (lies and slander, false actually smh)
- among us 1984 wawa lmao
- Scar smells REALLY bad TRUE!!
- ArtisticRoomba is to be removed from triage cause they stinky
- Myra is eating soft tacos today
- Good.
- we should make ss14 integrate with chat gpt
- nik is stinky